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AcyclicEdgeDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Acyclic edge distance treats the permutations as if they represent sets of edges, and counts the number of edges that differ.
AcyclicEdgeDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.AcyclicEdgeDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
apply(int[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.PermutationUnaryOperator
Applies an operator on the raw representation of a Permutation.
apply(int[], int[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.PermutationBinaryOperator
Applies an operator on the raw representations of a pair of Permutations.
apply(int[], int[], Permutation, Permutation) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.PermutationFullBinaryOperator
Applies an operator on the raw representations of a pair of Permutations.
apply(int[], Permutation) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.PermutationFullUnaryOperator
Applies an operator on the raw representation of a Permutation.
apply(PermutationBinaryOperator, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Applies a custom binary operator on a pair of Permutation objects.
apply(PermutationFullBinaryOperator, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Applies a custom binary operator on a pair of Permutation objects.
apply(PermutationFullUnaryOperator) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Applies a custom unary operator on a Permutation object.
apply(PermutationUnaryOperator) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Applies a custom unary operator on a Permutation object.
applyThenValidate(PermutationBinaryOperator, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Applies a custom binary operator on a pair of Permutation objects, and then validates the state of the Permutation.
applyThenValidate(PermutationFullBinaryOperator, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Applies a custom binary operator on a pair of Permutation objects, and then validates the state of the Permutation.
applyThenValidate(PermutationFullUnaryOperator) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Applies a custom unary operator on a Permutation object, and then validates the state of the Permutation.
applyThenValidate(PermutationUnaryOperator) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Applies a custom unary operator on a Permutation object, and then validates the state of the Permutation.


BlockInterchangeDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Block Interchange Distance is the minimum number of block interchanges necessary to transform one permutation into the other.
BlockInterchangeDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.BlockInterchangeDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.


copy() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Creates an identical copy of this object.
cycle(int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Creates a permutation cycle from a sequence of permutation indexes.
CycleDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Cycle distance is the count of the number of non-singleton permutation cycles between a pair of permutations.
CycleDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CycleDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
CycleEditDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Cycle edit distance is the minimum number of non-singleton permutation cycles necessary to transform permutation p1 into p2.
CycleEditDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CycleEditDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
CyclicEdgeDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Cyclic edge distance treats the permutations as if they represent sets of edges, and counts the number of edges that differ.
CyclicEdgeDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicEdgeDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
CyclicIndependentDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
This class implements the concept of a cyclic independent distance measure.
CyclicIndependentDistance(PermutationDistanceMeasurer) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicIndependentDistance
Constructs a distance measure for measuring distance with cyclic independence, such that distance = min_{i in [0,N)} distance(p1,rotate(p2,i))
CyclicIndependentDistanceDouble - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
This class implements the concept of a cyclic independent distance measure.
CyclicIndependentDistanceDouble(PermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicIndependentDistanceDouble
Constructs a distance measure for measuring distance with cyclic independence, such that distance = min_{i in [0,N)} distance(p1,rotate(p2,i))
CyclicReversalIndependentDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
This class implements the combination of cyclic independence and reversal independence.
CyclicReversalIndependentDistance(PermutationDistanceMeasurer) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicReversalIndependentDistance
Constructs a distance measure for measuring distance with cyclic and reversal independence, such that distance = min_{i in [0,N)} { distance(p1,rotate(p2,i)), distance(p1,rotate(reverse(p2),i)) }
CyclicReversalIndependentDistanceDouble - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
This class implements the combination of cyclic independence and reversal independence.
CyclicReversalIndependentDistanceDouble(PermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicReversalIndependentDistanceDouble
Constructs a distance measure for measuring distance with cyclic and reversal independence, such that distance = min_{i in [0,N)} { distance(p1,rotate(p2,i)), distance(p1,rotate(reverse(p2),i)) }
CyclicRTypeDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Cyclic RType distance treats the permutations as if they represent sets of directed edges, and counts the number of edges that differ.
CyclicRTypeDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicRTypeDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.


DeviationDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Deviation distance is the sum of the positional deviation of the permutation elements.
DeviationDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
DeviationDistanceNormalized - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Normalized Deviation distance is the sum of the positional deviation of the permutation elements divided by N-1 (where N is the length of the permutation).
DeviationDistanceNormalized() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistanceNormalized
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
DeviationDistanceNormalized2005 - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
The original version of Normalized Deviation distance (Ronald, 1998) is the sum of the positional deviation of the permutation elements divided by N-1 (where N is the length of the permutation).
DeviationDistanceNormalized2005() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistanceNormalized2005
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
distance(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(char[], char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(char[], char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(char[], char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(char[], char[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(float[], float[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(int[], int[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(long[], long[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(short[], short[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distance(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two arrays of objects.
distance(Object[], Object[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two arrays of objects.
distance(String, String) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(String, String) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(String, String) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two Strings.
distance(String, String) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two Strings.
distance(List<T>, List<T>) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
distance(List<T>, List<T>) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
distance(List<T>, List<T>) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
Measures the distance between two lists of objects.
distance(List<T>, List<T>) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two lists of objects.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.AcyclicEdgeDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.BlockInterchangeDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CycleDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CycleEditDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicEdgeDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicIndependentDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations, with cyclic independence: distance = min_{i in [0,N)} distance(p1,rotate(p2,i))
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicReversalIndependentDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations, with cyclic and reversal independence: distance = min_{i in [0,N)} { distance(p1,rotate(p2,i)), distance(p1,rotate(reverse(p2),i)) }
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicRTypeDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ExactMatchDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.InterchangeDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.KCycleDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.KendallTauDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.LeeDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.distance.PermutationDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReinsertionDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReversalDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReversalIndependentDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations, with reversal independence: distance = min { distance(p1,p2), distance(p1,reverse(p2)) }
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.RTypeDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ScrambleDistance
distance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.SquaredDeviationDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distancef(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distancef(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distancef(char[], char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(char[], char[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(char[], char[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distancef(double[], double[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distancef(float[], float[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(float[], float[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(float[], float[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distancef(int[], int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(int[], int[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(int[], int[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distancef(long[], long[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(long[], long[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(long[], long[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distancef(short[], short[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(short[], short[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(short[], short[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays.
distancef(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(Object[], Object[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(Object[], Object[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two arrays of objects.
distancef(String, String) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(String, String) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(String, String) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two Strings.
distancef(List<T>, List<T>) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
distancef(List<T>, List<T>) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurer
distancef(List<T>, List<T>) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.distance.SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two lists of objects.
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicIndependentDistanceDouble
Measures the distance between two permutations, with cyclic independence: distance = min_{i in [0,N)} distance(p1,rotate(p2,i))
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicReversalIndependentDistanceDouble
Measures the distance between two permutations, with cyclic and reversal independence: distance = min_{i in [0,N)} { distance(p1,rotate(p2,i)), distance(p1,rotate(reverse(p2),i)) }
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistanceNormalized
Measures the distance between two permutations
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistanceNormalized2005
Measures the distance between two permutations
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.EditDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations.
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.distance.PermutationDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two permutations
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.distance.PermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two permutations
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReversalIndependentDistanceDouble
Measures the distance between two permutations, with reversal independence: distance = min { distance(p1,p2), distance(p1,reverse(p2)) }
distancef(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.WeightedKendallTauDistance
Measures the distance between two permutations


EditDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
This is an implementation of Wagner and Fischer's dynamic programming algorithm for computing string edit distance, but adapted to permutations rather than general strings.
EditDistance - Class in org.cicirello.sequences.distance
EditDistance is an implementation of Wagner and Fischer's dynamic programming algorithm for computing string edit distance.
EditDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.EditDistance
Default edit distance computes number of remove and reinsert operations to transform one permutation into the other.
EditDistance(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.EditDistance
Constructs an EditDistance function.
EditDistance(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistance
Constructs an edit distance measure with the specified edit operation costs.
EditDistanceDouble - Class in org.cicirello.sequences.distance
EditDistanceDouble is an implementation of Wagner and Fischer's dynamic programming algorithm for computing string edit distance.
EditDistanceDouble(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.EditDistanceDouble
Constructs an edit distance measure with the specified edit operation costs.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Equality test: Two permutations are equal if they are of the same length and contain the same elements in the same order.
ExactMatchDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Exact Match distance is an extension of Hamming distance but to non-binary strings, in this case, permutations.
ExactMatchDistance - Class in org.cicirello.sequences.distance
ExactMatch distance (or Hamming Distance) of a pair of non-binary strings (or more generally sequences) is the number of sequence (or string) positions where the two sequences differ.
ExactMatchDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ExactMatchDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
ExactMatchDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.ExactMatchDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.


get(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Retrieves the i-th integer of the permutation.
get(int, int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Retrieves a range of elements from the permutation.
get(int, int, int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Retrieves a range of elements from the permutation.
getDefault() - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Gets an instance of the default SequenceSampler with a default source of randomness.
getDefault(long) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Gets an instance of the default SequenceSampler with a seed specified for the internal random number generator.
getDefault(RandomGenerator) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Gets an instance of the default SequenceSampler given a specified source of randomness.
getInverse() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Computes the inverse of the permutation.
getInversePermutation() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Computes a Permutation that is the inverse of this Permutation.


hashCode() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Uses Java's Arrays class's method for generating a hashCode from an array of ints.
hasNext() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.PermutationIterator
Checks if this PermutationIterator has more Permutations.


IllegalPermutationStateException - Exception in org.cicirello.permutations
This is a RuntimeException that is thrown by certain methods of the Permutation class to indicate that the Permutation object's state is invalid, and any subsequent calls to methods on that object may be unpredictable.
IllegalPermutationStateException(String) - Constructor for exception org.cicirello.permutations.IllegalPermutationStateException
Construct an IllegalPermutationStateException without specifying a cause.
IllegalPermutationStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.cicirello.permutations.IllegalPermutationStateException
Construct an IllegalPermutationStateException.
InterchangeDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Interchange distance is the minimum number of swaps necessary to transform one permutation into the other.
InterchangeDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.InterchangeDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
invert() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Inverts the Permutation, such that if p1 is the Permutation immediately prior to the call to invert, and if p2 is the Permutation immediately after the call to invert, then p1.get(i) == j iff p2.get(j) == i, for all i, j.
iterator() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Returns an Iterator over all Permutations the length of this Permutation.


KCycleDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
K-Cycle distance is the count of the number of non-singleton permutation cycles of length at most K.
KCycleDistance(int) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.KCycleDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
KendallTauDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Kendall Tau distance is sometimes also known as bubble sort distance, as it is the number of adjacent swaps necessary to transform one permutation into the other.
KendallTauDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.KendallTauDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
KendallTauSequenceDistance - Class in org.cicirello.sequences.distance
Kendall Tau Sequence Distance is the minimum number of adjacent swaps necessary to transform one sequence into the other.
KendallTauSequenceDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
The KendallTauDistance class provides two algorithms.
KendallTauSequenceDistance(boolean) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.KendallTauSequenceDistance
The KendallTauDistance class provides two algorithms.


LeeDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Lee Distance is closely related to deviation distance.
LeeDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.LeeDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
length() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Retrieves the length of the permutation.
LongestCommonSubsequenceDistance - Class in org.cicirello.sequences.distance
LongestCommonSubsequenceDistance is a form of EditDistance, where the edit operations are limited to deletions and insertions (i.e., no replacements or changes), and where the cost of an edit operation is simply 1.
LongestCommonSubsequenceDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.distance.LongestCommonSubsequenceDistance
Constructs a longest common subsequence distance.


max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.AcyclicEdgeDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.BlockInterchangeDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CycleDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CycleEditDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicEdgeDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.CyclicRTypeDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ExactMatchDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.InterchangeDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.KCycleDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.KendallTauDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.LeeDistance
max(int) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.distance.NormalizedPermutationDistanceMeasurer
Computes the maximum possible distance between permutations of a specified length.
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReinsertionDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReversalDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.RTypeDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ScrambleDistance
max(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.SquaredDeviationDistance
maxf(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistanceNormalized
maxf(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistanceNormalized2005
maxf(int) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.distance.NormalizedPermutationDistanceMeasurer
maxf(int) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.distance.NormalizedPermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble
Computes the maximum possible distance between permutations of a specified length.
maxf(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.WeightedKendallTauDistance
Computes the maximum possible distance between permutations of a specified length.


next() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.PermutationIterator
Gets the Permutation for the next iteration.
nextSample(byte[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(byte[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(byte[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(byte[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(byte[], double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(char[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(char[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(char[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(char[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(char[], double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(char[], int, char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(char[], int, char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(char[], int, char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(char[], int, char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(char[], int, char[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(double[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(double[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(double[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(double[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(double[], double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(double[], int, double[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(double[], int, double[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(double[], int, double[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(double[], int, double[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(double[], int, double[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(float[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(float[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(float[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(float[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(float[], double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(float[], int, float[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(float[], int, float[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(float[], int, float[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(float[], int, float[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(float[], int, float[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(int[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(int[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(int[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(int[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(int[], double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(int[], int, int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(int[], int, int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(int[], int, int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(int[], int, int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(int[], int, int[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(long[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(long[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(long[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(long[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(long[], double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(long[], int, long[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(long[], int, long[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(long[], int, long[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(long[], int, long[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(long[], int, long[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(short[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(short[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(short[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(short[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(short[], double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(short[], int, short[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(short[], int, short[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(short[], int, short[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(short[], int, short[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(short[], int, short[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(String, double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(String, double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(String, double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(String, double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(String, double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source String with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(String, int, char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source String.
nextSample(String, int, char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source String.
nextSample(String, int, char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source String.
nextSample(String, int, char[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source String.
nextSample(String, int, char[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source String.
nextSample(T[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
nextSample(T[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
nextSample(T[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
nextSample(T[], double) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
nextSample(T[], double) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
nextSample(T[], int, T[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(T[], int, T[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(T[], int, T[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(T[], int, T[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
nextSample(T[], int, T[]) - Method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
normalizedDistance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.DeviationDistanceNormalized2005
Measures the distance between two permutations, normalized to the interval [0.0, 1.0].
normalizedDistance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.distance.NormalizedPermutationDistanceMeasurer
Measures the distance between two permutations, normalized to the interval [0.0, 1.0].
normalizedDistance(Permutation, Permutation) - Method in interface org.cicirello.permutations.distance.NormalizedPermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble
Measures the distance between two permutations, normalized to the interval [0.0, 1.0].
NormalizedPermutationDistanceMeasurer - Interface in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Implement this interface to define a distance metric for permutations that supports normalizing the distance to the interval [0,1], but where the base distance is an integer value.
NormalizedPermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble - Interface in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Implement this interface to define a distance metric for permutations that supports normalizing the distance to the interval [0,1].


org.cicirello.jpt - module org.cicirello.jpt
JavaPermutationTools - A Java library for computation on permutations
org.cicirello.permutations - package org.cicirello.permutations
Collection of classes related to representing and manipulating permutations.
org.cicirello.permutations.distance - package org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Implementations of a variety of permutation distance measures.
org.cicirello.sequences - package org.cicirello.sequences
Classes that perform a variety of operations on sequences (such as arrays, etc).
org.cicirello.sequences.distance - package org.cicirello.sequences.distance
Implementations of distance measures for general sequences of various forms, including Strings, arrays of primitive types, arrays of objects, etc.


Permutation - Class in org.cicirello.permutations
Representation of a permutation of the integers from 0 to N-1, inclusive.
Permutation(int) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Initializes a random permutation of n integers.
Permutation(int[]) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Initializes a permutation of n integers to be identical to the elements of an array.
Permutation(int, int) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Initializes a specific permutation from an integer in mixed radix form representing the chosen permutation.
Permutation(int, BigInteger) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Initializes a specific permutation from an integer in mixed radix form representing the chosen permutation.
Permutation(int, RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Initializes a random permutation of n integers.
Permutation(Permutation) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Initializes a permutation of n integers to be identical to a given permutation.
Permutation(Permutation, int) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Initializes a permutation of the integers in the interval [0, length) based on their relative order in a permutation p.
PermutationBinaryOperator - Interface in org.cicirello.permutations
A functional interface for defining custom binary operators on Permutations.
PermutationDistanceMeasurer - Interface in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Implement this interface, PermutationDistanceMeasurer, to define a distance metric for permutations.
PermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble - Interface in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Implement this interface, PermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble, to define a distance metric for permutations, where the distance is a floating-point value.
PermutationFullBinaryOperator - Interface in org.cicirello.permutations
A functional interface for defining custom binary operators on Permutations.
PermutationFullUnaryOperator - Interface in org.cicirello.permutations
A functional interface for defining custom unary operators on Permutations.
PermutationIterator - Class in org.cicirello.permutations
Iterator over all permutations of a specified length, n, of the integers in the interval [0,n).
PermutationIterator(int) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.PermutationIterator
Initializes a PermutationIterator to iterate over all permutations of a given length.
PermutationIterator(Permutation) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.PermutationIterator
Initializes a PermutationIterator to iterate over all permutations the same length as a given permutation.
PermutationUnaryOperator - Interface in org.cicirello.permutations
A functional interface for defining custom unary operators on Permutations.


ReinsertionDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Reinsertion distance is the count of the number of removal/reinsertion operations needed to transform one permutation into the other.
ReinsertionDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReinsertionDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
removeAndInsert(int, int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Removes integer from one position and then inserts it into a a new position shifting the rest of the permutation as necessary.
removeAndInsert(int, int, int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Removes a sub-array of integers from one position and then inserts it into a a new position shifting the rest of the permutation as necessary.
ReversalDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Reversal Distance is the minimum number of subpermutation reversals necessary to transform one permutation into the other.
ReversalDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReversalDistance
Construct the distance measure.
ReversalDistance(int) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReversalDistance
Defines a distance measure for permutations of length n. n must be no greater than 12.
ReversalIndependentDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
This class implements the concept of a reversal independent distance measure.
ReversalIndependentDistance(PermutationDistanceMeasurer) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReversalIndependentDistance
Constructs a distance measure for measuring distance with reversal independence, such that distance = min { distance(p1,p2), distance(p1,reverse(p2)) }
ReversalIndependentDistanceDouble - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
This class implements the concept of a reversal independent distance measure.
ReversalIndependentDistanceDouble(PermutationDistanceMeasurerDouble) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ReversalIndependentDistanceDouble
Constructs a distance measure for measuring distance with reversal independence, such that distance = min { distance(p1,p2), distance(p1,reverse(p2)) }
reverse() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Reverses the order of the elements in the permutation.
reverse(int, int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Reverses the order of the elements of a subrange of the permutation.
rotate(int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Circular rotation of permutation (to the left).
RTypeDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
RType distance treats the permutations as if they represent sets of directed edges, and counts the number of edges that differ.
RTypeDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.RTypeDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.


sample(byte[], double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(byte[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(byte[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(byte[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(byte[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(byte[], int, byte[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(byte[], int, byte[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(byte[], int, byte[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(byte[], int, byte[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(byte[], int, byte[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(char[], double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(char[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(char[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(char[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(char[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(char[], int, char[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(char[], int, char[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(char[], int, char[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(char[], int, char[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(char[], int, char[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(double[], double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(double[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(double[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(double[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(double[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(double[], int, double[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(double[], int, double[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(double[], int, double[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(double[], int, double[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(double[], int, double[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(float[], double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(float[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(float[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(float[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(float[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(float[], int, float[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(float[], int, float[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(float[], int, float[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(float[], int, float[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(float[], int, float[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(int[], double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(int[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(int[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(int[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(int[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(int[], int, int[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(int[], int, int[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(int[], int, int[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(int[], int, int[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(int[], int, int[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(long[], double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(long[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(long[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(long[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(long[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(long[], int, long[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(long[], int, long[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(long[], int, long[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(long[], int, long[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(long[], int, long[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(short[], double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(short[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(short[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(short[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(short[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(short[], int, short[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(short[], int, short[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(short[], int, short[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(short[], int, short[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(short[], int, short[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(String, double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given String with a specified probability of a character's inclusion in the sample.
sample(String, double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source String with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(String, double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source String with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(String, double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source String with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(String, double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source String with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(String, int, char[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k chars, without replacement, from a given source String.
sample(String, int, char[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k chars, without replacement, from a given source String.
sample(String, int, char[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k chars, without replacement, from a given source String.
sample(String, int, char[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k chars, without replacement, from a given source String.
sample(String, int, char[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k chars, without replacement, from a given source String.
sample(T[], double) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(T[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(T[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(T[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(T[], double, RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample, without replacement, from a given source array with a specified probability of an element's inclusion in the sample.
sample(T[], int, T[]) - Static method in interface org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(T[], int, T[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(T[], int, T[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(T[], int, T[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
sample(T[], int, T[], RandomGenerator) - Static method in class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Generates a random sample of k elements, without replacement, from a given source array.
scramble() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Randomly shuffles the permutation.
scramble(boolean) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Randomly shuffles the permutation.
scramble(int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Randomly shuffles a non-contiguous set of permutation elements.
scramble(int[], RandomGenerator) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Randomly shuffles a non-contiguous set of permutation elements.
scramble(int, int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Randomly shuffles a segment.
scramble(int, int, RandomGenerator) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Randomly shuffles a segment.
scramble(RandomGenerator) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Randomly shuffles the permutation.
scramble(RandomGenerator, boolean) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Randomly shuffles the permutation.
ScrambleDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Scramble Distance is the minimum number of random shufflings needed to transform one permutation into the other.
ScrambleDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.ScrambleDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
SequenceCompositeSampler - Class in org.cicirello.sequences
SequenceCompositeSampler generates random samples of array elements, without replacement.
SequenceCompositeSampler() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Constructs a sampler with a default source of randomness.
SequenceCompositeSampler(long) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Constructs a sampler seeding the internal random number generator as specified.
SequenceCompositeSampler(RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceCompositeSampler
Constructs a sampler wrapping a RandomGenerator used as the source of randomness.
SequenceDistanceMeasurer - Interface in org.cicirello.sequences.distance
Implement this interface, SequenceDistanceMeasurer, to define a distance metric for sequences.
SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble - Interface in org.cicirello.sequences.distance
Implement this interface, SequenceDistanceMeasurerDouble, to define a distance metric for sequences.
SequenceInsertionSampler - Class in org.cicirello.sequences
SequenceInsertionSampler generates random samples of array elements, without replacement.
SequenceInsertionSampler() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Constructs a sampler with a default source of randomness.
SequenceInsertionSampler(long) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Constructs a sampler seeding the internal random number generator as specified.
SequenceInsertionSampler(RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceInsertionSampler
Constructs a sampler wrapping a RandomGenerator used as the source of randomness.
SequencePoolSampler - Class in org.cicirello.sequences
SequencePoolSampler generates random samples of array elements, without replacement.
SequencePoolSampler() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Constructs a sampler with a default source of randomness.
SequencePoolSampler(long) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Constructs a sampler seeding the internal random number generator as specified.
SequencePoolSampler(RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequencePoolSampler
Constructs a sampler wrapping a RandomGenerator used as the source of randomness.
SequenceReservoirSampler - Class in org.cicirello.sequences
SequenceReservoirSampler generates random samples of array elements, without replacement.
SequenceReservoirSampler() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Constructs a sampler with a default source of randomness.
SequenceReservoirSampler(long) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Constructs a sampler seeding the internal random number generator as specified.
SequenceReservoirSampler(RandomGenerator) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.sequences.SequenceReservoirSampler
Constructs a sampler wrapping a RandomGenerator used as the source of randomness.
SequenceSampler - Interface in org.cicirello.sequences
An implementation of the SequenceSampler interface is used for generating random samples of array elements, without replacement.
set(int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Changes the state of this permutation to be identical to the elements of an array.
SquaredDeviationDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
Squared Deviation distance is the sum of the squares of the positional deviations of the permutation elements.
SquaredDeviationDistance() - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.SquaredDeviationDistance
Constructs the distance measurer as specified in the class documentation.
supportedLength() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.WeightedKendallTauDistance
Gets the length of permutations supported by this instance of WeightedKendallTauDistance, which is equal to the length of the array of weights passed to the constructor.
swap(int, int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Swaps 2 integers in the permutation.
swapBlocks(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Swaps 2 non-overlapping blocks, where a block is a subsequence.


toArray() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Generates an array of int values from the interval [0, n) in the same order that they occur in this Permutation.
toArray(int[]) - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Generates an array of int values from the interval [0, n) in the same order that they occur in this Permutation.
toBigInteger() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Generates a unique integer representing the permutation.
toInteger() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Generates a unique integer representing the permutation.
toString() - Method in class org.cicirello.permutations.Permutation
Creates a String representing the permutation.


WeightedKendallTauDistance - Class in org.cicirello.permutations.distance
This class implements the weighted Kendall tau distance.
WeightedKendallTauDistance(double[]) - Constructor for class org.cicirello.permutations.distance.WeightedKendallTauDistance
Constructs an instance of the WeightedKendallTauDistance.
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